If you are a Buisness and want to offer your services to individuals with disabilities we offer a Tax-Break with the I.R.S as a (501)(c)(3) non profit organization. You will also be helping an individual with disabilities obtain Employment.
"Helping people
with disabilities
find employment"
We are a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, devoted to allowing adults with developmental, emotional, and physical disabilities find lucrative employment, and reach independence through self sufficiency.
There are ways to help: This organization can only succeed with the help of your Donations. Assisted Employment Services Inc. provides its services at no cost. With your monetary gift A.E.S will allow more individuals with disabilities to find Employment.


Luis, 32
Physical, Emotional,
Carlos had been unemployed for many years before finding Assisted Employment Services. His goal was to seek employment as a maintenance man.
Our employment specialist found him employment at a community partnership for the homeless in Miami where he has been employed for 4 years to date.

Ovette, 29
Legally Blind
Ovette had difficulties in finding employment due to her disabilities. She takes medication and had a hard time finding something that suited her. With the help of our job coaches she is happily working as a customer service representative in Miami. She is happily earning 11dollars an hour.
Carlos, 35
Mental Disability
Luis graduated from a culinary school at the Miami skills center. His vocational goal was to be a line cook. Assisted employment services found him a job at a major chain restaurant. There he works side by side to the main Chef allowing him to continually learn new skills. Luis has been employed for a year and a half.
Janice had difficulty finding employment because she lacked transportation.
Assisted Employment services job coaches transported her to several job interviews. She is now working at a major restaurant. Assisted Employment granted her a free golden bus pass valid for one year. At times when she is late for work, one of our job coaches drives her to work.

Janice 26,
Mental Disability